Bench Mates is Drama-Comedy web series with Urvi Singh and Omkar in the lead role. It is currently streaming at Youtube.
Where to watch season 1 of Bench Mates online?
You can watch season 1 online here at Youtube .
Cast & Creator
The full cast of Bench Mates includes Urvi Singh, Omkar and Pratish. Urvi Singh has also worked in shows Crushed, Firsts and Butterflies. Omkar has also worked in movies like Conditions Apply.
The creator of the show is not known at this time.
List of Episodes for Season 1
S1 E1 . Episode 1
Welcome to Benchmates, the school-based web series that unfolds the charming tale of Harsh and Monty, the ultimate last bench buddies, and Neha, the brilliant class topper and monitor. In this episode, emotions take center stage as Monty finds himself entangled in a dilemma of the heart..As board exams loom and Neha's imminent departure from the city draws near, Monty grapples with unspoken feelings for her. Will the last bencher find the courage to express his emotions to the class topper
27 Jan '24
S1 E2 . Episode 2
Welcome to Benchmates, the school-based web series that unfolds the charming tale of Harsh and Monty, the ultimate last bench buddies, and Neha, the brilliant class topper and monitor. In this episode, emotions take center stage as Monty finds himself entangled in a dilemma of the heart..As board exams loom and Neha's imminent departure from the city draws near, Monty grapples with unspoken feelings for her. Will the last bencher find the courage to express his emotions to the class topper
27 Jan '24
S1 E3 . Episode 3
Welcome to Benchmates, the school-based web series that unfolds the charming tale of Harsh and Monty, the ultimate last bench buddies, and Neha, the brilliant class topper and monitor. In this episode, emotions take center stage as Monty finds himself entangled in a dilemma of the heart..As board exams loom and Neha's imminent departure from the city draws near, Monty grapples with unspoken feelings for her. Will the last bencher find the courage to express his emotions to the class topper
27 Jan '24