Kanulu Kanulanu Dochayante is Telugu Drama web series with Venkata Pranavi and Sai teja Gona in the lead role. It is currently streaming at Youtube.
Where to watch season 1 of Kanulu Kanulanu Dochayante online?
You can watch season 1 online here at Youtube .
Cast & Creator
The full cast of Kanulu Kanulanu Dochayante includes Venkata Pranavi, Sai teja Gona, Bhargav Writes, Sai Kiran and Sri kumari. Venkata Pranavi has also worked in shows Teenage Diaries and Manasa Vacha. Sai teja Gona has also worked in shows Female Flatmate and HOW I MET PAARU.
List of Episodes for Season 1
S1 E1 . Episode 1
22 Jan '21
S1 E2 .
Here is our new video Kanulu Kanulanu Dochayante || EPISODE - 02 .Cast
07 Feb '21
S1 E3 .
Here is our new video Kanulu Kanulanu Dochayante || EPISODE - 03
20 Feb '21