The show plays out the trials and tribulations of the leading characters Ananya's and Abhishek's romantic live-in relationship.
#LoveBytes is Hindi Drama-Romance web series with Kushal Punjabi and Sukhmani Sadana in the lead role. It is currently streaming at SonyLiv and Youtube.
#LoveBytes is Hindi Drama-Romance web series with Kushal Punjabi and Sukhmani Sadana in the lead role. It is currently streaming at SonyLiv and Youtube.
Where to watch season 1 of #LoveBytes online?
Cast & Creator
The full cast of #LoveBytes includes Kushal Punjabi and Sukhmani Sadana. Kushal Punjabi has also worked in shows Truth or Tamanna? and movies like Crazy Cukkad Family and Sssshhh.... Sukhmani Sadana has also worked in shows Dil Bekaraar and Udan Patolas.
The creator of the show is not known at this time.
Other Seasons for #LoveBytes
Season 1
List of Episodes for Season 1
S1 E1 . A Close Shave
Abhi and Ananya, two individuals from two different worlds live together, actually live in together. Abhi wants to tell his mother about his live in status with Ananya. But Ananya thinks this would ruin her reputation in front of his mother, her future mother in law. .
07 Sep '15
S1 E2 . Friend or Girlfriend
It is always tough for a girl to handle her guy’s female friends. Abhi’s very close friend Farah is visiting town. Abhi has asked her to stay in his house. He forgot that it is Ananya’s house too. So what’s it gonna be… friend or girlfriend?.
10 Sep '15
S1 E3 . Bold Status
Ananya updates her FB status but Abhi gets the comments from their friends asking what's wrong between him and Ananya...! Abhishek does not like sharing his life on the social media...Ananya has her reasons..
14 Sep '15
S1 E4 . Coming Home Late
Abhi has been coming home late from work for the past couple of weeks, Ananya is really upset about it and when she plans a surprise dinner for him, and then when he turns up at 2am Ananya is very happy. Not so happy..We fall in love by chance.
17 Sep '15
S1 E5 . Truth & Dare
Abhi and Ananya go out for a party. Abhi is caught checking out a girl there. Or at least that is what Ananya thinks. Question is, that is it wrong appreciating beauty, doesn't Ananya do that too?.
21 Sep '15
S1 E6 . Don't press too hard
Ananya is happy about being with Abhi and wants the whole world to know about their relationship. Ahi on the other hand wants to keep it under wraps. He believes in keeping his personal life personal. Well, is that the only reason or is there something more to it, Ananya wants to know..
24 Sep '15
S1 E7 . Jealousy
Ananya’s ex boyfriend visits Ananya at her office and takes her out for lunch. When Ananya shares this with Abhi, he gets really upset..
28 Sep '15
S1 E8 . Love Rain
Abhi and Ananya are truly madly deeply in love with each other. Coming back home from a romantic dinner, they are drenched in rain and passion is flowing through their veins. As they are about to melt into each other’s arms, Ananya thinks of..the floor...she doesn’t want to wet the floor. Abhi feels cheated. .
01 Oct '15
S1 E9 . Phone Adventure
On a nice bright morning, Ananya's boss sends her a good morning message...Abhi doesn't like this..."why is Ananya's boss wishing her a good morning? Anything fishy??".
05 Oct '15
S1 E10 . Blast From The Past
Ananya gets to know that Abhi's ex-girlfriend Sonia wants to get back with him, Ananya gets insecure...will Abhi's past effect his present relationship with Ananya?.
08 Oct '15
S1 E11 . Friends Forever
This story is a classic case of a couple fighting over a friends break up. Varun and Gunjan are scheduled to get a divorce where Ananya feels that the fault lies with Varun while Abhi too is sympathetic towards Varun. As a result of which Abhi and Ananya get into an argument..Love quote- Just because we fight every now & then doesn't mean i will stop loving you.
12 Oct '15
S1 E12 . Silence
After a fight that happened last night,Abhi and Ananya are not talking to each other. Abhi tries to cajole Ananya...but is it easy...well...it never is..
15 Oct '15
S1 E13 . Office Blues
Ananya wants to quit her job because of a horrible boss, Abhi feels she shouldn't quit. In today's times jobs are hard to get. Ananya thinks Abhi is insensitive..
18 Oct '15
S1 E14 . Veg or Non Veg
Ananya is a complete foodie while Abhi is fitness freak, so when it comes to what food should be cooked in the house there is a debate. Ananya wants to eat spicy creamy oily tasty foods whereas Abhi is more of a salad and boiled chicken person, which Ananya finds very boring. So either Ananya starts eating food that is high on protein but low on taste or Abhi starts eating food that is high on taste and even higher on fats..
22 Oct '15
S1 E15 . Rebel with a cause
Abhi wants to buy a 52 inch 3D LED Tv for their apartment. Problem is they already have two LED television sets at home. Ananya doesn’t approve of this frivolous expenditure, at least according to her its frivolous. Abhi is accused of being a spent thrift but then even he has his argument..
26 Oct '15
S1 E16 . Don't wear that dress
Ananya is going out for a party with her office colleagues, when she steps out of the bedroom ready to leave she is looking smoking hot. Abhi gets possessive and asks her to go change her dress. Ananya wants to wear that dress only. Will she?.
29 Oct '15
S1 E17 . Great Escape
Ananya wants to tell her parents about her relationship with Abhi, so that they can take their live in relationship to the next level. But then Abhi is happy this way...he does not want to complicate things....or has he already complicated them by refusing to take the next step...marriage..Love Quote- Communication is essential. To be able to tell your partner what's on your mind without arguing or fighting.
02 Nov '15
S1 E18 . Addicted To You
Well for most of the boys tahle manners and etiquettes have been a mystery, how do you use the fork and the knife and where does the spoon go, they don’t know, and the napkin is a total googly. Abhi’s table manners suck while Ananya is all prim and proper...so she wants to teach him some etiquettes and Abhi is ready to learn only in bed..
05 Nov '15
S1 E19 . To Go Or Not To Go
Abhi has to go to South Africa for a very important project. Problem is that his ex-girlfriend Sonia is also going on that same project. When Abhi tells this to Ananya, she gets very insecure and tells Abhi, not to go to South Africa. But Abhi can’t let this project go.. Love Quote- Sometimes in a relationship one should be ready to take a leap of faith.
09 Nov '15
S1 E20 . Live-in Vs Marriage
This debate has been raging on like forever, Live-in relationships work better or is marriage more successful. Abhi is happy with his live-in status whereas Ananya wants to take their relationship to the next level, she wants marriage..Love Quote- Some people like labels, some don’t....but love does not need a label.
12 Nov '15
S1 E21 . Go To The Gym
Abhi is a fitness freak and loves exercising. He also wants Ananya to join the gym and follow his footsteps. But Ananya does not really share the same passion for the gym. Her thing is more like work, eat, sleep and chill. Ananya is chilled out but Abhi is not..
16 Nov '15
S1 E22 . Bossful of lust
Abhi comes back from work. Ananya asks Abhi if he wants to have dinner. Abhi says that he is dying of hunger. But then a message comes on Abhi’s phone, that Ananya reads...its from his boss, a sexy female boss she thanks him for the wonderful dinner. Abhi has to answer some questions. Also the lipstick stain on his shirt, let’s not forget that..
19 Nov '15
S1 E23 . Hangover
Off late Abhi has been partying really hard. Well, Ananya does not like his alcoholic ways and expresses her displeasure. She is concerned about his health. What excuse does Abhi come up with.. Love Quote- Remember in a relationship its not just about you ...you also have to think about your partner
23 Nov '15
S1 E24 . Sex it up
When a relationship kick starts, sparks fly all over the place but as time passes the passion tends to decrease. Abhi is feeling the same and in his mind he has a reason why this is happening, and he wants to discuss it with Ananya...don’t know how will she react to this discussion..Love Quote- Sometimes to keep the fire burning you have to spark things up a little bit.
26 Nov '15
S1 E25 . Let's get cooking
All these fights are taking a toll on Abhi’s and Ananya’s relationship. So Abhi decides to make amends and set things right. On a bright Sunday morning he cooks breakfast for Ananya. Great. But there is a small twist in the tale..Abhi is not a very good cook.. LoveQuote - Sometimes small gestures make a big difference in a relationship.
30 Nov '15
S1 E26 . The Proposal - Last Episode
Finally Abhi has made up his mind. He wants to marry Ananya. He is ready from being a boyfriend to becoming a husband. So he pops up the big question to Ananya. What's her answer? Will they get married? We don’t know. Don’t miss the season finale episode of #LoveBytes..
07 Dec '15