Ex-Girlfriend Farewell is Telugu Drama web series with Bhargav writes and Jyothi chivukula in the lead role. It is currently streaming at Youtube.
Where to watch season 1 of Ex-Girlfriend Farewell online?
You can watch season 1 online here at Youtube .
Cast & Creator
The full cast of Ex-Girlfriend Farewell includes Bhargav writes, Jyothi chivukula and Saiteja Gona. Bhargav writes has also worked in shows Female Flatmate, Lockdown With Ex-Girlfriend and Kanulu Kanulanu Dochayante.
The creator of the series is Bhargav writes, who has also created shows Female Flatmate and Lockdown With Ex-Girlfriend.
List of Episodes for Season 1
S1 E1 . Episode 1
21 Aug '20
S1 E2 . Episode 2
Here is the 2nd Episode of EX-GIRLFRIEND FAREWELL || SEEMA TAPAKAI | CAPDT.Written and Directed by Bhargav writes
27 Aug '20
S1 E3 . The End
10 Sep '20