Six medical students whose lives revolves around drugs and sex, unwillingly come together to stage a play and participate in a prestigious competition. Coming soon - Sex Drugs & Theatre, a ZEE5 Original starring Shalva Kinjawadikar, Mitali Mayekar, Nayannah Mukey, Aadish Vaidya, Suyassh Zunzurke, Abhishek Deshmukh, Sujay Dahake, Pravin Tarde and Sunil Barve.
Sex Drugs & Theatre is Marathi Crime-Drama web series with Shalva Kinjawadekar and Mitali Mayekar in the lead role. It is currently streaming at ZEE5.
Sex Drugs & Theatre is Marathi Crime-Drama web series with Shalva Kinjawadekar and Mitali Mayekar in the lead role. It is currently streaming at ZEE5.
Where to watch season 2 of Sex Drugs & Theatre online?
You can watch season 2 online here at ZEE5 .
Cast & Creator
The full cast of Sex Drugs & Theatre includes Shalva Kinjawadekar, Mitali Mayekar and Nayannah Mukey. Shalva Kinjawadekar has also worked in shows Gondya Ala Re.
The creator of the show is not known at this time.
Other Seasons for Sex Drugs & Theatre
Season 2