Singa Penne is a ZEE5 Original Tamil drama series starring Arnav, Payal, Uday, and Kutti Padmini in the lead roles. The story revolves around Mahalakshmi, an independent village girl, who decides to break the stereotype and train herself for the Border Security Force. What's Mahalakshmi's motive behind joining the security force and can she find success in her breakthrough journey?
Singa Penne is Tamil Drama-Romance web series with Payal and Kutti Padmini in the lead role. It is currently streaming at ZEE5.
Singa Penne is Tamil Drama-Romance web series with Payal and Kutti Padmini in the lead role. It is currently streaming at ZEE5.
Where to watch season 2 of Singa Penne online?
You can watch season 2 online here at ZEE5 .
Cast & Creator
The full cast of Singa Penne includes Payal, Kutti Padmini and Uday. Payal has also worked in shows Riti Riwaj and Tharagathi Gadhi Daati and movies like Krishan Avtaar. Kutti Padmini has also worked in movies like Aval Appadithan, Kuzhandaiyum Deivamum and Avargal.
Other Seasons for Singa Penne
Season 2
List of Episodes for Season 2
S2 E1 . Singa Penne Part 2
The story revolves around Mahalakshmi, an independent village girl, who is determined to break stereotypes and train herself to join the Border Security Force. Can she find success? What's Mahalakshmi's motive behind joining the security force?
09 Feb '22